Whoever reads, is

Author: Bruno Blume
Illustrations: Susanne Janssen, Verena Ballhaus, Nadia Budde, Jacky Gleich, Quint Buchholz
ISBN: 978-3-356-01129-6
Publisher: Hinstorff Verlag (Rostock)
Year: 2006
Pages: 80
Binding: Hardcover
Format: 26 x 20 cm
Language: German
Recommended reading age: 6+

A magical book - on 80 pages it contains only one text with 14 lines - and yet five stories that have emerged from it! Six artists have come together to make a childrens’book for that is of course also for adults.

In a fascinating way, this book shows how much power there can be in words and pictures, what different worlds can grow out of just a few lines, and how different kinds of pictures are created and presented to the reader in the book.